The role of e-commerce in the used cars market is becoming more and more important. Large sales platforms use new technologies to ensure the best possible presentation of vehicles and provide the customers with comprehensive information about their condition. This approach makes the purchasing process convenient, simpler and safer for both parties.
A used car quality certificate is one of the tools which, on the one hand, provide an excellent supplement to the offer and, on the other, constitute a marketing equivalent of a recommendation or power of external authority. When it is created based on objective factors, the customer can rest assured that they're buying a vehicle that is free from defects not specified by the seller or ones they did not notice themselves when visiting the dealership.
Benefits? Most importantly, greater trust and shorter path to purchase, as the buyer reviews a digital certificate, which provides detailed information about the vehicle in a simple and comprehensible manner, so they do not have to prepare their own list of questions or see the car personally. Clear graphical presentation and photographs taken from different perspectives, which also include the details, are an additional advantage.
Let us take a closer look at the design and key elements of the certificate.
Widget – a short certificate teaser
A digital widget is the basic element of the certificate, something the customer sees first. It can be placed on a website or an advertisement portal as a tool to drive leads. This model provides a user with a summary of the most important information about the state of the vehicle. The full certificate may be available only after providing an e-mail address or scheduling an appointment with the seller.

In the widget, you can see icons representing the vehicle score in form of up to five stars. This covers the body, wheels, mechanics, interior and optional equipment. The application’s algorithm establishes the appropriate rating based on a checklist completed by an employee conducting the inspection.
Moreover, each certificate also includes a personal recommendation of the person who created it. This adds a specific “face” to the content, which provides additional credibility to the information provided. Often only a casual analysis of the widget is enough for the customer to decide whether they are interested in a particular car and need some more data.
Detailed checklist
If the maximum number of stars is not achieved in a specific category, the elements lowering the score can be found in the extension of the certificate. The main view displays a percentage score, which is additionally highlighted by a colour effect – from green, which means that there are no defects, to red, which signals some defects.
Every list may be individually created based on a checklist for a brand or used car programme and include more than fifty items. Individual defects are marked with appropriate colours. Moreover, the user receives a photo preview, where possible, which allows them to formulate their own assessment. They can also see which damages have already been repaired and which are left for them to handle. There are no unpleasant surprises.

Every list may be individually created based on a checklist for a brand or used car programme and include more than fifty items. Individual defects are marked with appropriate colours. Moreover, the user receives a photo preview, where possible, which allows them to formulate their own assessment. They can also see which damages have already been repaired and which are left for them to handle. There are no unpleasant surprises.
The entire certificate is supplemented with graphics, general photos and vehicle details. Using the brand's colours for the graphical design creates a cohesive, valuable tool supporting sales at many different stages of the path to purchase.
Are you interested in this solution? Would you like to see the full certificate? Book an appointment with our expert.
Vehicle digital certificate implementation benefits
Benefits from introducing these certificates apply both to the sellers and buyers alike. Implementing this solution allows car dealers and brands to gain:
- a tool supporting the decision on purchasing a used car online
- a ready response to the needs of the present-day customers
- support for a used car programme
- security if a buyer returns to report problems with a car
- a tool for lead generation and providing enhanced user experience for people interested in buying a car.
The certificate may also serve as an internal report of the dealer, based on which they perform vehicle valuation. The inspection portal also allows to check the state of cars and order their repairs. Through simple integration, the inspection checklist can be displayed in any DMS class system. The certificate also allows for better cost management, as the application reduces the risk of underestimating the repair costs.
The certificates constitute an element of the VC360 Inspection App & Digital Certification tool, which is described in more detail in our article.
Are you interested in this solution? Book an appointment: we will show you how digital certificates can support your sales and improve trade-in processes.