They say that time is money. These words find their best reflection in the sale of cars. This is because every transaction is predominantly about time. So as not to waste it, we have created Photo App – a tool to make taking photos quicker and easier, as they remain a vital element of online offers. Why is this so outstanding and what is this novel Photo App feature, the generic ghosts?
VC360 Photo App - an application that facilitates the framing of professional vehicle photos
It is no longer a secret that we buy with our eyes. As a result, manufacturers put a lot of effort into presenting their products in the best possible way. Cars are not an exception: the better the car looks in the photos, the more attention it receives.
However, taking good pictures of cars is a real challenge. There are some technical details to consider, such as sharpness, the right angle and the right frame. Most consultants do not have the necessary knowledge in this area. Therefore, the process of taking pictures (both inside and outside) is very time-consuming. A car session takes up to an hour. In addition, the photos of individual offers often look different, which means that the aesthetics leave space for improvement. The VC360 Photo App was created in response to these problems.
The simplicity and ease of use of the VC360 Photo App

Taking good photos of cars is quite a challenge, though. You need to manage the technical aspects such as sharpness, choice of angle and good framing. Most users lack the required knowledge in this field. This means that the picture-taking process (inside and out) can be quite time-consuming. But how much time? A photoshoot for one car can take up to an hour. Moreover, the photos in each offer can vary significantly, and as a result, the aesthetics leave much room for improvement. The answer to these problems is Photo App.

It is an intuitive yet not childishly simple to use application. It has a well-thought-out design that takes you easily right through the process, from the beginning to the end. The purpose is to achieve a set of aesthetic, professional photographs (showing the body and the passenger compartment) within a very short time.
In order to take the photos, all you need is a basic sales tool – a smartphone. This considerable simplification starts at the beginning because the choice of a phone rather than a camera means no additional skills are required. The application guides you through each stage and only requires that you take the pictures according to the pre-defined standards. Thanks to this we offer uniform images made according to the scheme accepted by the dealer.
What are ghosts in the photo app and how do they help you take attractive pictures of cars?

Although the app is getting excellent reviews, we do not rest on our laurels. We make every effort to ensure our products offer ever more satisfaction and better results. This is why creating the ‘ghosts’ in our app was only a matter of time. These are special grids that are designed to support you in taking pictures that achieve the best possible outcomes. The purpose of these grids is to suggest the best possible framing.

Ghosts are available in the basic version of our app and can be used for support both while taking photos of the outside of the cars (Exterior), as well as the insides (Interior) of any brand.
We do all of this so you gain valuable time. For meetings with your customers, conversations and, finally, selling. Because the photos are taken by Photo App 360.
Why not contact us to arrange a free consultation regarding our car photo aplication?
Feel free to leave us a meesage to get your Demo of the VC360 Photo App, we will be in touch shortly!