Exacto Group invested in the purchase of 49% of shares of VirtualCar360 Sp. z o.o. As a result of that transaction, Exacto Group now owns 100% of shares in VC360!
We are glad that we are more engaged in the company we helped to create and in which we a majority shareholder. We hope that our full share of capital, as well as the strengthening of responsibility for the company’s success, will contribute to its development.
Since 2018, we have been helping our Partners with digital transformation. By using the VC360 solutions, brands are ahead of the market. Not all companies are ready for real transactional e-commerce. With our know-how, experience and unique technologies, we lead our Partners through digitalisation and enable them to implement changes quickly and easily.
Andrzej Wrona CEO EXACTO GROUP & VC360
Together with the takeover of shares in the company, we started working on updating the strategy for VC360, which we named THE FUTURE. We actively participate in the development of online car sales channels. We want our Partners around the world to immediately associate the support from EXACTO GROUP and VC360 with e-commerce development.
REVOLUTION IN CAR SALES THANKS TO5G TECHNOLOGYOur ambitions are reflected in the projects started within the company.
As part of the Accelerator of the Lodz Special Economic Zone, we are running a project with funding of PLN 550 000!
Online car sales requires dedicated solutions, therefore we are currently creating an advanced transaction platform and a video streaming application which uses 5G data transmission technology, and an e-commerce website. Such advanced tools allow for a completely online vehicle inspection and transaction, without the buyer having to visit the car dealer. 5G data transmission technology allows for sending high-quality video materials in real time.
For example, the buyer is able to see all vehicle details on a computer or tablet screen, e.g. possible scratches on the rims or paint damage. We believe that every e-commerce site that sells cars, especially used cars, will use our video streaming application.
Completion of such a complex project is possible thanks to a wide variety of Partners, including global experts from Ericsson.
It is worth noting that Wielton, one of the leaders on the market, decided to implement our platforms and applications, and base their own e-commerce on them. Priority will be given to the implementation in the WIELTON USED program for selling used cars. We are experts. Thanks to great market knowledge, we know the needs of our Partners and how to really support their activities, so they can focus on developing their business. This is not our last word.